Beware: a new scam via LinkedIn which actually looks legit

This is a story of how I ended up paying USD 1700 for a fake exam to get a fake professional certification from a fake "US" institution. Please beware and share among your contacts as this scheme seems quite new and non-evident as a scam. Even after a throughout research I have found only a few posts about it (and a lot of proud holders of fake certificates). Long story short, a fake profile of an HR person from a top-of-the-market company in your region adds you on LinkedIn and sends a message on a job opening tailored to your area of expertise. Probably you would also have a few shared connections in the industry, and the profile of this so-called HR person would look quite good. Then you would get a hint that a role you are interested in requires a professional certification in whatever your profession is about, for example, certificate X or certificate Y. No matter what is your profession about, if you make your own research you find an official provider for all of thos...