
Showing posts from March, 2023

Beware: a new scam via LinkedIn which actually looks legit

  This is a story of how I ended up paying USD 1700 for a fake exam to get a fake professional certification from a fake "US" institution. Please beware and share among your contacts as this scheme seems quite new and non-evident as a scam. Even after a throughout research I have found only a few posts about it (and a lot of proud holders of fake certificates). Long story short, a fake profile of an HR person from a top-of-the-market company in your region adds you on LinkedIn and sends a message on a job opening tailored to your area of expertise. Probably you would also have a few shared connections in the industry, and the profile of this so-called HR person would look quite good. Then you would get a hint that a role you are interested in requires a professional certification in whatever your profession is about, for example, certificate X or certificate Y. No matter what is your profession about, if you make your own research you find an official provider for all of thos

5 learnings from Dubai to apply to your writing

    Believe it or not, Dubai is not only about luxurious experiences and properties, along with great shopping and dining. One of the chances to see it differently is to attend the emirate during the holy month of Ramadan. But the best way to discover its layers, one after another, is to live and work here, keeping your eyes and heart open. Below are 5 things I have learned from the amazing Dubai after 5,5 years living there. You can easily apply those to your writing or any other project. Learning 1. Be proud of your roots and national dress/traditions. Have you seen locals in their beautiful national dress considered to be the most appropriate option both for a luxurious reception or as formal attire at government and official events? Or have you ever heard in Dubai an azan calling for prayer in a mall or at a world star show on the beach?  How to apply this to your writing? Well, it is easy. Your writing style, your roots, and your experiences are worth cherishing and beautiful as t

Writing a novel as a project: 5 simple steps to become the next Tolstoy

So you are up to write a novel. You may have a brilliant story running in your head. You feel it, you live it inside and out. You know a protagonist better than your mom or your ex (well, definitely better than your ex). Or you may not have any particular story and characters on your mind yet. But still this overall emotion, this message of your novel drills you, trying to find its way out to the world. What to do next? Well, this is not a million-dollar question. Just start to write your novel now. And below are 5 steps to actually finish it. Yes, this project will be long-term and overwhelming. There are no set templates or guidelines to follow. For your very own novel, you need to develop those from scratch while you write, edit and rewrite, one month after another. But better to spend the next few years actually writing a book rather than procrastinating and taking another course in creative writing, right? Anyway, as I have already finished that unending marathon and as I love mak